Where does time go? Now that I've started with a well-worn cliche, I feel I should apologise for the lack of posting lately. Basically, I've been run off my feet - mostly the usual projects and distractions, but the last three weeks by a little new housemate who is proving to be very high maintenance. But then, she is so utterly sweet and gorgeous that I don't really mind at all and we're steadily getting used to each other.
Little Gertie was given to me three weeks ago today, as a birthday gift from friends. OK, so it's inappropriate to give people pets as presents, but somehow I think these friends of mine understood from the start that I wouldn't be able to resist her and it's true. The only rub really is that there have been a few associated expenses - a checkup at the vet, an expensive 'hay bungalow', plus a brand new cage - something sizeable enough for her to be happy in as a solo pig, whilst also fitting in with my apartment lifestyle - ie my living room, so that she can feel a part of things. All completely worth it, I should add.
Apart from spending much of the day holding handfuls of her poo and the constant cleaning up after her generally, she is just so funny - and quite smart. A bonus is definitely the variety of noises she makes - from high-pitched, long squeals, to little purrs and 'tuk tuks' as she forages around in her hay or jumps around excitedly. Still getting used to her twice-a-day cuddle time (thanks for the advice, Julianna!), she prefers to sit across my chest and nuzzles my chin - and even my mouth at times - and nibbles my hand when she wants to be put down again. She eats A LOT. My fridge is like a vegan paradise and she's already getting used to the sound of the supermarket vegetable bags being taken out.
To put it simply: she is utterly delightful.