I'm sick again - 10 days so far. (When have I not been over the last five or six months?) It's actually getting ridiculous. Since March, there have been three onslaughts of full-on cold - with all the trimmings - that have lasted for 3 to 4 weeks, but always with a smidge of 'chestiness' remaining, which eventually (usually 2 or 3 weeks later) flares up to the point that I feel like crap for a couple of days and then it subsides. And so on, and so on...
But the chest infection is really nasty this time, so I went to the doctor's last Friday. I'd seen him a month earlier - after enduring 2 weeks of the previous cold - and had left a sputum sample for pathology. He was surprised I hadn't returned to see him - telling me the pathology had revealed bronchitis bacteria (and here I was thinking he'd call me if there was any cause for concern!)
Anyway, I've been on antibiotics since Friday for bronchitis, even though it developed into another full-on cold and there's no improvement. I am sooooo sick of being sick! Nothing I eat tastes right. I feel like crap. I look like crap. Everything hurts. I cancel a scheduled appointment with my acupuncturist and express concern that I've had to start a second course of antibiotics that I'm worried won't work. She reinforces all my fears by saying "Well, antibiotics aren't what they used to be ... it could be a different bug to last time ... " and advises me, as does everyone, not to do anything, stay in bed and eat nourishing, easily-digestible foods. OK, so how am I supposed to prepare this food and get the ingredients? And, being a member of the 'new workplace' world (ie no sick leave etc), I have to actually produce work (albeit part-time) in order to get the money to pay for this food - and my life in general. So what now?
Hi, just reading your blog and i want to give you a tip concerning your health: colloidal silver -http://www.all-natural.com/silver-1.html- it is easy to make it yourself (as i do) and you might find it in a natural health store. I tried it and many with me, it is amazing! Remember health starts in the intestines, so although you might eat healthy, the digestion is not always optimal, due to food allergies, undigested gelatine capsuls. Have a fast every now and then.
Sorry if i got carried away by myself then!
P.S: and take care, get well soon!
thanks for the advice ploinkie - most kind of you. Actually, I've heard about colloidal silver and always wondered....but there's so much stuff out there that people recommend - it can be hard to sift through. I'm generally very health conscious and eat very well (naughty food indulgences are rare and eventful - my most recent were actually documented in my blog!). But yeah, I'll give it a go...
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